Friday, April 4, 2008

Chow's on!

No I haven't officially had Dr. Dushman tell me to start feeding Hailey cereal, but I did it anyways. Honestly we just haven't made it in to see him. She is loving it! I mean she loves anything that will help keep her figure healthy. While dad was at work we decided to get out the other highchair. So now the girls can sit by each other. What a blast! Yes we did eat Cheerios for dinner. Just call me gourmet.
Afterwards Hailey was covered in rice cereal. So early bath time for us. What a fun day


rachael said...

ooooh yum- rice cereal! i remember really liking that, and also the banana baby food..hmm... i wonder if i would still enjoy it??

ps- thanks for the easter gift-- you remember me too well!!! made me smile, and they were gone that day! hehe!

JoAnna Anderson said...

Cynthia, thanks for the blog tiip! I love it. Next time we are in Vegas, we should do a play day with your kids, Emma & my kids. That would be so fun. Anyway, thanks again.

Unknown said...

You're girls are so darn cute! We need to come visit you guys! I miss you.

Lindsay said...

Awww... they're so cute sitting in their high chairs together!

The Kahumokus said...

Oh I just want to reach through this computer and kiss those two! They are adorable!

Rebecca said...

they are so cute! On my blog I just put the 2 pictures in publisher, rotated them, and then you can right click and save them as 1 picture. I just figured it out today and was very excited. I think people do stuff in photoshop like that too.