Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Brooklyn loves her Uncle Scott! What a cute pair!
My 23rd birthday could not have been better. It all started off with my girls sleeping in. Thank you! Then Chris walked in with roses and a balloon. We had dinner at my mom's house and Brooklyn got to pick strawberries with my mom. Dinner was delicious, Chris made a great taco salad! And I got all the candles out in one try!I got a sewing machine and lots of money so I was able to get lots of things to get me started! I also got some clothes to wear on the cruise! And now I am part of the candy jar club! Thanks Nat!Finally this year we were able to go to the baseball game. It is the first time we have gone on my birthday since we have been married. This guy was great and drunk. He would run back and forth leading us all in the wave.
It was sure hot and Brooklyn made a point that she was to have a sno-cone! She loved the fireworks and wanted more, more, more.Thanks dear for a wonderful Birthday!


cat+tadd=sam said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It looks like you had a fabulous day, I'm so glad! Love ya!

Charlie Nicole said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Looks like it was such a fun day, and you KNOW I can't wait to sew with you!!!! Let's get to it girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Looks Like you had a great time, and got what you wanted!!!

The Kahumokus said...

I'm glad you had a great birthday! It all looks fun, fun, fun! I love the picture of Brooks and Scott. I'm also impressed that you got all 23 candles out in one shot. That is A LOT of candles!!!

Courtney said...

Happy Birthday (belated)! Does that happen to be LEMON DROPS in your candy jar???? Anderson family classic, if so!