Friday, April 3, 2009

The Burr's are going BLUE!

Oh yeah that's right today Chris and I found out that we are having a BOY!!! I cried I was so excited. Here is a little proof that it's not a girl. Chris has been talking about all the things a dad gets to do with his boy. Both of us and the girls look forward to a brother. I was laying in bed at nap time thinking of what my new vocabulary will consist of. Instead of lovebug, and sweetheart, it will be little man and I hear my sister call her boys dude alot. I'll work on it. Oh I am just so happy. Kinda silly huh when we don't even get a choice. I feel like in need to go buy a baseball hat or some trucks and stuff. I have nothing blue or boy in this house. I have pink, blankets, pink sheets, pink bows, and lots of dresses! Did you hear that mom we need to go shopping!!! Yeah for babies and yeah for our boy!


Taralee said...

WOOHOO!! That's so exciting. Seriously! And I was the person who wanted all girls until I found out I was having a boy :) (I still think it would have been fun to have all girls, call me crazy) And I completely 1000% know what you mean about having all pink around. I felt so strange even looking at blue/boy stuff at first. I would go start looking and then a minute or 2 later I would find myself grazing the girl, pink, cutsie stuff. I'm getting better all the time haha! Good luck and I can NOT wait to see what a little "Burr boy" looks like! Yea!

Rebecca said...

YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! Boys are fun and so different from girls. You also get to learn about bugs and dinosaurs and batman and all that other fun boy stuff. Congratulations!

Carol Swift said...

The noise in your home will rise to a new level with that little boy around--I know this from experience. :o) Congrats!

Chels Allred said...

CONGRATS!!! yay. your hubby gets his boy!! how fun!!!! are you really that far along to already know what it is?! wow! i thought i was right behind ya. and you arent even showing! crazy! well i hope you are feelin better!

Lindsay said...

Yay for boys!! Congrats! It'll be fun for you guys! I sometimes refer to my boys as "buddy" or "mister" but I still use sweet names for them like "honey" and "cutie". Do you have any real names picked out?

Jennifer said...

That is way exciting!! :) Boys are awesome!!! :) It'll be so much fun for your family!! Congrats!

Crystal said...

Yay for a baby boy! That's so exciting. Jake was just saying yesterday how in 12 years he'll have someone to take to priesthood session with him. It's quite a ways off, but Chris can add that to his list.
"Buddy" is one of my favorite boy nicknames so there's another one for your list.
Boys are so so fun; well, the whole 3 months of baby boy I've experienced at least:) The shopping is most definitely fun. Congrats.

JOBI said...

Oh my heck that is so exciting!!!! Congrats!!!! I bet you can't wait.

Brian & Krystal said...

Holy cow!! We're thrilled for you guys! I can't say I'm not surprised - you were ready for a boy! Congratulations. :)

The Kahumokus said...

Love the pics! Yeah for a boy!!

Amber said...

ahhh --- cool!!! how exciting a boy!!!!