Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Wishing everyong a happy Valentine's Day from Brooklyn and Hailey!


Turpin's said...

Oh my gosh Cynthia..I didn't know you had a blog! Congrats on the beautiful babies! Holy moly how the heck are ya? Long time no talk..I was on Caitlyn's blog and saw you left a comment! I'm doing great...we live in Boise Idaho..been married for about a year now and Brent is just finishing up with school! Hope all is well and we will have to talk sometime!!

Unknown said...

How stinkin' cute are your kids!!
I hope ours end up as cute! Not that we are planning on finding out for while!
I still have something to mail's sitting on my kitchen table! Hopefully I'll do it soon!

The Kahumokus said...

They look so cute! (I love how cubbs Hailey is getting!!!) Happy Valentine's Day!

The Kahumokus said...

I mean in chubby.

Brandi Lyn said...

Gosh dang it your girls are ADORABLE!