Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bed Time Blues...

We have been trying to teach Brooklyn to sleep in her new big girl bed...not because we want to, but because we are protecting her. As soon as we lay her down in her crib she jumps right back out and it is kind of a long fall. She doesn't seem to mind because she will do it multiple times. She is doing pretty well, but last night while Chris was at work she decided to get up so I went to sit with her and help her go back to sleep. While I was upstairs Hailey started crying downstairs. I was carrying Brooklyn downstairs to check on her sister and I fell down the stairs. It really hurt. So I laid on the stairs for awhile and both my girls were crying. When I finally got up I grabbed both girls and we all slept together. What a night!


The Kahumokus said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry! Have you looked into a crib tent? I've heard it's worked for others. I wish I had some good advice or something. Sorry!

Taralee said...

Oh, that totally stinks. I feel your pain and I'm glad you posted about it. Then I don't feel like such a loser :) I hope you're feeling OK now!

Brandi Lyn said...

Aw sad! I'm sorry. Days like that are hard! The next morning always seems so much brighter and a lot more happy tho. I hope you're feeling better! :)

Lindsay said...

Ouch! Hopefully no bad injuries came from your fall! It's hard having a 2-story with little kids! I feel for ya! We've tried many things to keep Cohen in his bed at night, and he continues to sneak into our bed in the middle of the night. Although, our latest experiment of bribing him is working for now! We put a sticker on his calendar each day he stays in his bed all night, and then when he gets 10 stickers, he gets to go to Chuck E. Cheese! Brooklyn's a little younger so she might need immediate rewards though! I wish I had better advice, but I'm still trying to think of something too!