Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hospital for Hailey

What a weekend we have had. Hailey was blessed by her dad on Sunday and then all the family came over for dinner. It was a wonderful day. Then Monday morning Hailey woke up feeling a little warm... her temperature was 103.1! I was a in a panic. We headed out to see Dr. Dushman (the best doctor ever). He was worried about her having RSV and being very dehydrated. So we ended up in the hospital to get a breathing treatment and LOTS of fluids. Poor Hailey got poked 7 or 8 times. She was so dehydrated that her tiny veins kept collapsing. Christopher met me there at about 3:00 AM so that I could get some rest and some food. Hailey ended up being admitted on Monday, but we were lucky that she started doing so much better and we got to come home on Monday night. I just want to thank my mom and Lori for helping with Brookly and always being a support! We took Hailey back in today and she is doing much better. She gets a breathing treatment every 4 hours and lots of love! Thank you everyone for your prayers she is doing great.


Taralee said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I'm really happy she's doing better, but it's tough when it's all happening. I've had a couple very scary things like that happen and it's HARD, so I'm glad it on the tail end for you. I need to add your link on my side :) Hopefully tomorrow I'll actually do it, it's much easier that way!!

Lindsay said...

Oh no! The hardest part of being a mom is probably having to see your kids suffer. That's good that she's doing better, and I pray that she will continue to do so!

Unknown said...

Oh Cyn! That's so scary! I'm glad she's doing better! keep me posted!
love you all!

Abbey said...

I am so happy that she's doing better. That would be so stressful and upsetting! You're such a good mommy! She's such a doll!

cat+tadd=sam said...

Hi!!! It's Caitlyn. Add our blog to yours, it's Also, I thought you should know that I thought you typed your blog wrong in that text, so I put in A not-so-nice blog comes up. Anyway, keep in touch! Your fam is so cute!